Dela Masterclass med Casting Director Paul Weber

Masterclass med Casting Director Paul Weber

Paul Weber, CSA, one of Hollywood’s most respected casting directors has developed a dynamic, practical and highly effective intensive program that demystifies the audition process and gives the actor the skill and confidence needed to create a memorable audition experience.

This Masterclass offers actors of every level the winning tools that will help you achieve success in the audition room.

In the Masterclass Mr. Weber reveals:

• The Casting Perspective – What Casting professionals expect from Actors. What key elements are they looking for?

• Why Certain Actors Succeed – Mr. Weber talks about the actors he’s worked with and reveals what makes them successful, including Johnny Depp, Ryan Reynolds, Dakota Fanning, Reese Witherspoon, Bella Thorne and Jason Momoa.

• What You MUST Do Right Now – Jumpstart your career with these valuable tips for self-branding and marketing.

• Don’t psych yourself out before you even get in the room! Essential techniques that will empower you to stop thinking of yourself as “the victim” in the Audition Room and let the “winning performer” take the stage!

• Indispensable advise on how to handle Rejection, and how to embrace Nervousness and Anxiety and make it work to your advantage.

• The Laws of Attraction: What you can do now to make your talent more desirable and marketable to an agent, manager or casting director and why.

• The Headshots & Resumes that get noticed today – The very latest on these crucial tools – and how the Zoom/Virtual Auditioning digital revolution is permanently transforming the way actors will be seen, and how to Virtually create the most powerful audition experience possible!

The Masterclass also focuses on the actual Audition and involves actors in the process using scene work to experience and illustrate new techniques. Mr. Weber covers:

• The Anatomy of the Audition – What actually happens?

• How to make the Boldest, most Effective Choices in The Room.

• The Importance of Listening, Cold Reading Technique, and Script Analysis.

• How to Deliver Your Best Read The First Time.

• Why Actors Fail – Common and avoidable mistakes that take Actors out of the picture immediately.

This masterclass is in English.

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